We exist to brighten the days of those in need of cheer.

Loneliness is a significant and urgent issue affecting many people today. It is both poignant and pressing, with devastating effects on those who experience it. Isolation and limited interaction with the outside world can take a toll on individuals mentally and physically.
At Brighten A Day, we aim to fight the loneliness epidemic by spreading cheer one day at a time.
1 in five Americans have reported that they rarely feel close to people.
2 in five Americans report that they sometimes or always struggle to find meaning in their relationships.
3 out of five Americans are lonely.
A substantial number of people worldwide report feeling disconnected or isolated. Loneliness is becoming more widespread as time passes, with the number of individuals living alone having risen by ten percent over the past decade. The elderly are particularly susceptible to loneliness, with 28 percent of older individuals living alone. The emotional effects of the loneliness epidemic are devastating, which is why we seek to make a difference in the lives of each individual experiencing loneliness.
The loneliness epidemic packs harmful consequences. In fact, according to the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration, social isolation and loneliness can cause as much damage to health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Loneliness can be responsible for an array of health problems, both mental and physical. According to TIME magazine, studies have shown that loneliness is linked directly to depression, anxiety, dementia, self-harm, substance abuse, and heart conditions. Lonely individuals are more than 32 percent more likely to experience an early death. The loneliness epidemic kills, and its presence is felt now more than ever. We aim to combat loneliness by brightening days, one person at a time.
To make a positive impact and prevent loneliness…
We’re coordinating delivery of uplifting cards and letters to spread positivity.
We’re connecting with seniors via video and phone calls, helping to ensure they have the social contact they need.
We’re recording positive video messages for those in retirement homes across the globe.
We’re donating care packages full of items that help bring smiles to residents of nursing homes and children in the hospital.
We’re organizing donations of masks, bracelets, bookmarks, and much more.

How can I help?
Your PayPal donations help us provide cards, care packages, and electronic devices to those in need of cheer. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We are a fully volunteer-run organization with no paid employees. Please donate here.
You can also work as a Brighten a Day volunteer to help us bring joy! It takes just a few minutes to create a small, handwritten card, but your work has the potential to brighten someone’s entire day.
Be the change you want to see! Join Brighten A Day to start making a difference in your community.